Chapter 8. Sales Tools and Training Sales Tools Summary The goal of HP 9000 Series 800 Business Server sales tools is to effectively and concisely convey our "Open for Business" message. In addition, we have targeted our sales tools at different parts of the sales process to help you provide the appropriate amount of information to your customers at the right time. Below is a chart which can be used as a guideline for when to use what sales tool. [Figure Caption: Figure 8.1 HP 9000 Sales Tools--When to Use What] Note that Sales, Price, and Configuration Guides do not appear on the above chart. Sales, Price, and Configuration Guides are intended for HP internal and Channel Partner use only. The table following lists publication numbers for currently available HP 9000 Series 800 literature. Table 8.1 Sales Tools and Guides Currently Available Available Description Pub. No From Brochures The Bigger the Better 5091-4999E LDC Brochure Client/Server Brochure 5091-7586E NEW! LDC HP 9000 Series 800 5091-7297E UPDATED LDC/HPFIRST/ Buyer's Guide to Success 5/93 PowerTools Open for Business: HP 9000 5091-7265E UPDATED LDC Series 800 Systems Brochure 5/93 Ten Reasons to Partner with 5091-6941E UPDATED LDC Hewlett-Packard Brochure 5/93 Technical data sheets Models F10, F20, F30, G30, 5091-7264E UPDATED LDC/HPFIRST/ G40, G50, G60, G70, H20, 5/93 PowerTools H30, H40, H50, H60, H70, I30, I40, I50, I60, I70 Product Data Sheet Model 890 Product Data Sheet 5091-3609E LDC/HPFIRST/ PowerTools HP 9000 High Availability 5091-1633E LDC/HPFIRST/ Computing Products PowerTools Data Sheet HP DCE/9000 Technical Data 5091-7583E NEW! LDC/HPFIRST/ Sheet PowerTools HP Encina/9000 Product Brief 5091-7642E NEW! LDC/HPFIRST/ PowerTools HP-UX 9.0 Operating System 5091-7314E UPDATED LDC/HPFIRST/ Data Sheet 5/93 PowerTools HP-UX B-Level Security 5091-5872E LDC/HPFIRST/ Technical Data Sheet PowerTools HP 9000 DTC Solutions 5091-6441E NEW! LDC/HPFIRST/ Technical Data Sheet PowerTools TPC, Spec, & LADDIS Benchmark N/A HPFIRST/ Details PowerTools Price and configuration guides HP 9000 Series 800/1200 5091-7229E UPDATED LDC Price Guide (U.S. only) 5/93 HP 9000 Series 800 5091-7228E UPDATED LDC Configuration Guide 5/93 Presentation tools Client/Server Presentation CSPRES NEW! GSY HOTLINE High Level Mainframe HILEVEL MFA HOTLINE Alternative HP 9000 Series 800 MFA 800REF MFA HOTLINE Reference Accounts HP 9000 Series 800 9000-1, UPDATED GSY HOTLINE Slide Presentation Kit 9000-2 5/93 HP-UX Transaction Processing PERFBRF2 UPDATED GSY HOTLINE Performance Brief 5/93 MIS Mainframe Alternative MFMIS MFA HOTLINE Ten Reasons to Partner with REASONS UPDATED GSY HOTLINE Hewlett-Packard 5/93 TPC Performance Slides and PERF800 UPDATED GSY HOTLINE Script for the Series 800 5/93 Videotapes (available from HP TV) Client/Server Video-Customer 90593T NEW! HP TV Testimonials HP 9000 Database Partners 90396T HP TV HP and Informix 90395T HP TV HP and Ingres 90560T HP TV HP and Oracle 90394T HP TV HP and Sybase 90424T HP TV HP: Your Open Systems 90462T HP TV Partner More Smart Moves HP TV Powershift: HP Business S-1665 HP TV Computing Skadnet - Technology for I-305 HP TV the 90's and Beyond Article reprints/MFA Success Stories Aberdeen Group article "Commercial Multiuser 5091-7063E LDC RISC/UNIX: Hewlett-Packard Leads the Downsizing Transformation" Aberdeen Group article "Gartner Catches Up with 5091-2395E LDC Trends" Agropur/Natrel Success Story 5091-1482E *"Hewlett-Packard's MAGIC 5091-3025EUS Offers Increased Efficiency, More Flexibility, and Better Price/Performance" Australian Financial Review "HP in $10M Deal for TNT Upgrade" 5091-6581E LDC Batch Performance Brief "HP 9000 Series 800 Provides 5091-6419E LDC Mainframe Class" ComputerWorld article "UNIX Serves Eatery's 5091-2405E LDC MIS Unit" ComputerWorld Reprint "Giving Downsizing the Hard 5091-4896E LDC Sell" (Brueners) ComputerWorld Reprint *"Migration Woes Promise 5091-5765E LDC Gold"--Hughes ComputerWorld Reprint *"MobileNet Unites Staff" 5091-6709E LDC Far Eastern Economic Review "Hewlett-Packard Shakes 5091-6616E LDC Japan's Computer Market" Information Week article "Trucking Firm Seeks 5091-3705E LDC Faster Dispatching" Information Week Reprint *"GTE Takes the UNIX Plunge" 5091-5643E LDC InfoWeek article "Hamersly Iron dares to 5091-4635E LDC downsize" Ingres/HP Success Story "Cellular One Makes the 5091-5783E LDC Right Call" Open Systems Advisory 5091-6892E LDC article "IBM and HP: The Nouveau Plug Compatibles" Open Systems Today Reprint *"Liberty Bancorp Implements 5091-7221E LDC an Open Strategy" UNIX Today! article "The Mainframe Alternative" 5091-4205E LDC "Chesebrough Ponds" XXX-XXXX LDC Dept. of Planning & Housing 5091-6581E LDC (Australia) "DPH Replaces Mainframe with 5091-5781E LDC HP Client/Server Architecture" "HP Security Wins IT Down- 5091-5768E Under Deal" "NPD Reengineers Its 5091-5700E LDC Information System with Ingres and HP" Ordering Information Literature Distribution Center (LDC): Send an HPDesk message to Literature Order/HP 0000/53, and include the following information: o Your name o Your entity number o Your telnet number o Date the literature is required o Address and mailstop where the literature is to be sent o Publication number o Quantity required HP FIRST HP FIRST provides quick and easy access to a wide range of literature available to field offices and Channel Partners through Group 3 fax touch-tone access. To get copies of materials available on HP FIRST: 1. Pick up the handset on your fax machine and dial from the fax keypad: 1-800-333-1917. 2. The computer will prompt you to enter the code number for the product support information you need (it will also ask if you need an index). 3. When HP FIRST prompts you, hit the start/copy or receive button on your fax machine and hang up to receive the fax. PowerTools Electronic retrieval system for sales and marketing documents available as an online system and via CD-ROM for users without HP Internet access. o For accessing PowerTools online or via CD-ROM, please send an HPDesk message to PowerTools/HP6650/AF. HPDesk Hotline Send an HPDesk message to the appropriate HOTLINE using the subject of the topic you wish to receive. For example: Intray> send Subject: INDEX TO: GSY HOTLINE Text: // MESSAGE> mail HP-TV To order video tapes from HP-TV, send an HPDesk message to HPTV/HP0000/SE, and include the following information: o Your name o Your complete mailing address o Quantity of each videotape desired o Billing information (your account and location codes) o Part number and video title o Format: 1/2" VHS or 3/4" UMATIC o Standard: NTSC, PAL, or SECAMH Series 800 Product Positioning Versus the Competition [Figure Caption: Figure 8.2 Series 800 Low End and Midrange Systems Performance Positioning] [Figure Caption: Figure 8.3 Series 800 High End Systems Performance Positioning] GSY Hotline Index Attached is the index from the GSY HOTLINE. To request one of the items listed below, send an HPDesk message to this hotline, and at the SUBJECT prompt type in any of the subjects listed below (separate message for each item requested). To contact the GSY administrator, send an HPDesk message to: GSY HOTLINE, Subject: REMARK. * Updated in the last month ** Added in the last month # Slides Last Subject Content/Description # Pages Revision General Information: DOWNLOAD How to download files from HP Desk. INDEX Up-to-date version of this index. 5/24/93 REMARK Send your comments to this subject to contact hotline administrator. HP 3000 Solutions: Sales Tools MPETOUX Description of special program 5 Pages 5/5/92 to crossgrade HP 3000 MPE systems to HP 9000 HP-UX systems. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: General 800SSP Detailed menus on the newly 16 Pages 2/11/93 introduced HP 9000 Series 800 F, G, H, and I Class Servers 800SUMM Presentation designed to give 13 Slides 1/28/93 customers a quick summary of the new HP 9000 Series 800 products, positioning informa- tion, competitive comparisons, and available application software. *9000-1 Part I of the HP 9000 Sales 42 Slides 6/15/93 Kit. Includes all solutions under GSY's "Open for Business" message, and has been updated for the December intro. Kit includes slides only. *9000-2 Part II of the HP 9000 Sales 31 Slides 7/1/93 Kit. Kit includes slides only. *BG-1 Slides from the July 1993 28 Slides 7/1/93 HP 9000 Series 800 Buyer's Guide *BG-2 Part II of the slide set 20 Slides 7/1/93 contained in the July 1993 HP 9000 Series 800 Buyer's Guide. COSE Information on the Common 22 Slides 3/17/93 Operating Software Environment. 15 Text Package contains slides, Q&A, and technical white papers. *CSPRES HP Client/Server Strategy 23 Slides 4/15/93 Presentation + Text DBFEAT Matrices with detailed feature 45 Page 10/19/92 descriptions of Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, and Software AG. DBPARTNR Slides and script on the 6 Pages 1/5/93 relationship HP has with its 4 Slides Database partners. DCEFTM Slides and script for HP's 15 Pages 12/16/92 Distributed Computing 45 Slides Environment. MPWP Multi-processing white paper 10 Pages 5/29/92 ORCLSUN Update on the recent announce- 3 Pages 1/4/93 ment between Oracle and Sun. QUOTES Document includes the latest 5 Pages 3/17/93 positive quotes from various magazines, executives, etc. on the Series 800. S800UPGR Included are five upgrade 5 Slides 6/15/93 related slides which appeared 6 Text in the June 1993 HP 9000 Series 800 Sales Guide. STDWP Slides and text from the 4 Pages 6/10/92 "HP-UX and Standards White 4 Slides Paper Movement." Also includes a "Standards" appendix. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: CASE CASECUS CASE slide set 17 Slides 6/10/92 CASEWP White paper on CASE for 5 Pages 3/25/92 HP 9000 Business Applications. 7 Slides Includes supplement on CASE and slides. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: High Availability/Security *800QUAL Monthly MTBF/MTTR quality 1 Page 6/03/93 report CICSPR Press release from IBM and HP 2 Pages 10/07/92 announcing CICS availability on the HP 9000. HAWHITE High Availability white paper 21 Slides 12/23/92 32 Pages SECWP Series 800 system security 9 Pages 5/27/92 white paper which describes HP's security strategy and vision product implementation plans, product features, and benefits. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Systems Management OPSPOOL The most current slides plus 2 Pages 5/27/92 story board supporting your 4 Slides selling efforts (1-minute sale) of HP OpenSpool/UX. SMWHITE Systems Management white paper 50 Pages 11/11/92 28 Slides HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Languages HPUXCOMP White paper describing major 6 Pages 3/3/93 performance gains to C language, integer benchmarks from using the compiler optimization. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Open Systems OSE Overview of the Open Software 10 Slides 3/23/92 Environment. OSFPOST This document is the latest 10 Pages 6/29/92 update regarding HP's position on OSF technologies. Please also see OSFSTRAT for further info. OSFSTRAT Open Systems Foundation 32 Pages 9/11/92 Strategy White Paper 26 Slides OSTODAY Open Systems Today Magazine's 5 Pages 12/7/92 monthly section about HP prod- ucts and Third parties is called HP Focus. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Networking M45PLUS Information on the new HP Model 11 Pages 10/16/92 45 Plus 10 Slides NETPITCH Series 800 networking pitch. 24 Slides 8/06/92 Package contains slides and 40 Pages script. NETUX90 HP-UX 9.0 Networking 3 Text 1/06/93 information NWARE Information the Novell 3 Text 3/08/93 Opportunity and the HP 9000 Series 800 benefits and positioning. NWRISC Package describes NetWare on 7 Text 3/23/93 PA-RISC project. Package 15 Slides contains Q&A, slide set and script. USLNOVEL One page statement from HP on 1 Page 1/18/93 Novell's merger with USL and what it potentially means to the industry. UXLANMAN Presentation describing the 18 Slides 2/18/93 benefits of LAN Manager on the HP 9000 Series 800 UXNOVELL "HP-UX and Novell NetWare: 17 Slides 2/18/93 The Best of Both Worlds!" slide 40 Text presentation and script. WANPOS Primer on WAN Positioning and 3 Text 11/4/92 technologies for high speed 1 Slide networking on the HP 9000 Series 800. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: VABS CAINFO Information on HP/CA 13 Pages 3/9/93 relationship, products, and programs. CINCOM Information on Cincom and 33 Slides 1/28/93 Hewlett-Packard partnership 13 Text program. CONVERT Conversion tool matrix 2 Pages 1/25/93 DBSLIDES Customer presentation slide set 23 Slides 12/2/92 describing D&B Software and HP relationship and D&B decision- support and financial software products. DCCPSOLN Information on Data Center 16 Text 3/01/93 Channel Partner Solutions now available on the Series 800. LEGINFO Information on the HP and 8 Pages 3/22/93 Legent relationship and product announcement. WANGHP Information on the recently 12 Pages 3/8/93 announced WANG and HP strategic relationship agreement. Docu- ment also includes Q&A. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Performance LADDIS White paper that describes new 4 Text 6/1/93 file server benchmark "LADDIS" and compares results from HP and competitors. LMX8X7 HP LAN Manager/X performance & 30 Pages 6/15/92 capacity planning brief for the 20 Slides HP 9000 Series 800 Models. NETWARE Summary of the results of a 3 Pages 7/1/93 benchmark comparing Novell 1 Slide NetWare on HP 9000 Series 800. *PERF800 Set of latest performance 7 Pages 6/29/93 slides and comments for 14 Slides Series 800. Focus is on TPC benchmarks. *PERFBRF4 HP-UX Transaction Processing 16 Pages 6/29/93 Performance Brief Version 4.0 11 Slides *PQRC Print files containing UNIX 2 Pages 6/29/93 systems - Performance Quick Reference Card version 2.0. Contains performance data on Series 800, Series 700, and key competitors. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Sales Tools BGSLIDES HP 9000 Series 800 Slide set 39 Slides 1/11/93 from the December 1992 issue of the Buyer's Guide HISTRAT HP 9000 Corporate Business 13 Slides 9/29/92 Server Strategy Brief. 23 Pages MPETOUX Description of special program 5 Pages Being to crossgrade HP 3000 MPE Updated systems to HP 9000 HP-UX systems. RVSR HP's PA-RISC advantage versus 21 Pages 5/27/92 other competitive RISC archi- 8 Slides tecture white paper. SGSLIDES Slides from the July 1993 31 Slides 7/1/93 Series 800 Sales Guide. HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: Peripherals F1002680 Comparing the F100 to the 2 Pages 2/25/93 HP2680A 2 Slides F100COST HP 5000 Model F100 Cost of 8 Pages 2/25/93 Ownership 2 Wksh F100LJ HP 5000 Model F100 and LaserJet 5 Pages 2/25/93 IIISi 2 Slides F100REF Customer reference list for 1 Page 2/25/93 HP 5000 Model F100 printer HP5KHELP Information on the HP 5000 2 Pages 2/25/93 printers HP 9000 Series 800 Solutions: ISVs ISVMATRX Matrix showing the availability 2 Pages 1/6/93 of ISV tools and database soft- ware on various HP Platforms. ISVNAMES List of worldwide HP contacts 2 Pages 1/6/93 for information on ISV database and tools products. HP 9000 Series 1200 Solutions: General 1200COMP This package contains competi- 26 Slides 11/23/92 tive positioning information on the Series 1200. Competitors are Tandem, Stratus, and DEC. 1200REF Series 1200 reference 10 Text 11/23/92 application sites. 1200SET Series 1200 customer slide set 83 Text 11/23/92 and script. 57 Slides Training Update CSO Field Education and Development continues to provide training courses to help you more effectively sell HP 9000 Series 800 Business Server solutions: Training Courses o SR187: UNIX Basics (P/N 5960-1620) introduces the UNIX market, standards organizations, common terms and concepts, and major versions. o SR18021A: HP 9000 Business Server Solutions Strategy and Product Overview (P/N 5960-7880) presents HP's strategy for success in the UNIX Business Server market, both today and for the future, and identifies the key prospects for HP 9000 Series 800 Business Server solutions. o SR18022A: HP 9000 Business Server Solutions HP-UX Operating Environment (P/N 5960-7881) describes the HP 9000 Series 800 Business Server system software offerings that comprise the HP-UX environment's comprehensive commercial functionality. Following a general discussion, there is a closer look at HP-UX, office integration, and commercial processing performance. o SR18023A: HP 9000 Business Server Solutions Systems and Network Management (P/N 5960-7882) provides a comprehensive look at the System Management Solutions that are available to HP 9000 Business Server customers. o SR2811: Mastering the Mainframe Alternative Opportunity is designed to enable HP SRs, TCs, and Sales Managers to be proactive at recommending alternative information architectures to business executives in mainframe accounts that help them achieve their business goals. This training focuses, via a case study methodology, on establishing the added value an HP SR can bring to a business executive through articulating four necessary links. Participants include industry consultants and HP experts. Video tapes can be ordered via Heart I2 from SMO. o SR2812: Differentiating the HP 9000 Series 800 (P/N S-2006) is a teleclass designed to enable Channel Partner SRs to "take the offensive" selling HP business server solutions. Part one focuses on building a product knowledge foundation on the Series 800 product line, key features and benefits. Part two focuses on articulating appropriate HP differentiators and on responding to competitors' claims (IBM and Sun). o SR289: Winning in the Mainframe World (P/N 5960-7842) presents the business, technical, and personal issues faced by CIOs and MIS directors who are candidates for mainframe downsizing. o SR1801: Mainframe Environment Solutions (P/N 5960-7801 and P/N 5960-7814) provides the background information needed to take advantage of opportunities to sell Series 800 Business Servers as mainframe alternatives. o SR1803: The MIS Environment (P/N 5960-1622) provides a comprehensive look at the MIS organization found in Fortune 500 companies. o SR2801: Beating the Competition (P/N S1584) provides a comprehensive look at DEC and IBM's strengths and weaknesses, and HP responses to competitive objections. Videotapes of this teleclass are available from HP-TV. Send an HPDesk message to Carol Grant requesting program S1584. Specify VHS or UMATIC format, NTSC, or PAL standard, and billing location code. o Corporate Business Systems Sales Kit (P/N 5960-7845) provides a one-step source of information on HP's high-end Corporate Business Systems. Contents of the kit include: customer presentations, success stories, strategic white papers, competitive information, application guide, financial solutions primer, and configuration guides. o New industry training is available to help you address the needs of your customers in the electronics, retail, state and local government, or automotive industries. For more information, contact your Field Development Manager. Ordering Information All courses except SR2801 may be ordered from the Support Materials Organization (SMO) in Roseville. Instruct your purchasing department to submit a HEART I2 order for the part numbers shown. For More Information For more information on all CSO Field Education and Development courses, contact your Field Development Manager. HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix [Figure Caption: Figure 8.4 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] Disassembled Table (Part 1 of 4) Instr/ Relative SPU SPU Single Clk Data OLTP Model Product S/W High Spd Cache Performance No. No. Tier Slots MHz (KB) to F10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F10 A2367A 1 2 32 32/64 1 F20 A2432A 1 2 48 64/64 1.7 F30 A2433A 1 2 48 256/256 2.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G30 A2434A 1 4 48 256/256 2.4 G40 A2435A 1 4 64 256/256 3.0 G50 A2436A 1 4 96 256/256 3.9 G60 A2980A 1 4 96 1024/1024 5.7 G70 A2971A 1 4 2 x 96 1024/1024 8.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H20 A2366A 2 8 48 64/64 1.7 H30 A2437A 2 8 48 256/256 2.4 H40 A2438A 2 8 64 256/256 3.0 H50 A2439A 2 8 96 256/256 3.9 H60 A2981A 2 8 96 2048/2048 5.7 H70 A2970A 2 8 2 x 96 2048/2048 8.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I30 A2365A 2 12 48 256/256 2.5 I40 A2364A 2 12 64 256/256 3.0 I50 A2363A 2 12 96 256/256 3.9 I60 A2982A 2 12 96 2048/2048 5.7 I70 A2362A 2 12 2 x 96 2048/2048 8.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 890/1 A1826A 3 14-112 60 2048/CPU 4.8 890/2 A1826A 3 14-112 60 2048/CPU 8.5 890/3 A1826A 3 14-112 60 2048/CPU 12.0 890/4 A1826A 3 14-112 60 2048/CPU 15.4 Figure 8.4 HP 9000 Sieres 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 2 of 4) Ports Included On LAN-based Personality SPU Card or Included With SPU SPU Model ----------------------------------------- Model No. SCSI RS-232 Centronics LAN No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F10 1 2 0 1 F10 F20 1 2 0 1 F20 F30 1 2 0 1 F30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 1 2 0 1 G30 G40 1 2 0 1 G40 G50 1 2 0 1 G50 G60 1 2 0 1 G60 G70 1 2 0 1 G70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H20 1 2 0 1 H20 H30 1 2 0 1 H30 H40 1 2 0 1 H40 H50 1 2 0 1 H50 H60 1 2 0 1 H60 H70 1 2 0 1 H70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 1 2 0 1 I30 I40 1 2 0 1 I40 I50 1 2 0 1 I50 I60 1 2 0 1 I60 I70 1 2 0 1 I70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 890/1 1 16 1 1 890/1 890/2 1 16 1 1 890/2 890/3 1 16 1 1 890/3 890/4 1 16 1 1 890/4 Figure 8.4 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 3 of 4) Instr/ Relative SPU SPU Single Clk Data OLTP Model Product S/W High Spd Cache Performance No. No. Tier Slots MHz (KB) to F10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 807S A1751B 1 2 32 32/64 1 817S A1703A 1 2 48 64/64 1.7 827S A1765A 1 6 48 64/64 1.7 837S A1704B 1 2 48 256/256 2.5 847S A1766A 2 6 48 256/256 2.5 857S A1706A 2 12 48 256/256 2.5 867S A1768A 2 6 64 256/256 3.0 877S A1769A 2 12 64 256/256 3.0 887S A2307A 2 6 96 256/256 3.9 897S A2306A 2 12 96 256/256 3.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 808S A1625A 1 6 16 64 0.17 815S A1071A 1 12 16 64 0.17 822S A1716A 1 16 25 32 0.35 832S A1044A 2 16 30 128 0.6 842S A1154A 2 16 32 1024 1.5 852S A1155A 2 16 50 1024 2.17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 825S A1004A 2 7 25 16 0.28 835S/635S A1035A 2 7 30 128 0.64 840S 9741A 5 30 8 128 0.41 845S/645S A1608A 2 6 30 256 0.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 850S 9742A 3 10 27.5 128 0.71 855S A1114A 3 10 27.5 256 1.17 860S A1843A 3 10 27.5 1024 1.46 865S A1845A 3 10 50 768 2.14 870S/100 A1135A 3 10 50 1024 2.82 870S/200 A1146A 3 10 50/CPU 2 x 1024 4.2 870S/300 A1147A 3 10 50/CPU 3 x 1024 5.6 870S/400 A1148A 3 10 50/CPU 4 x 1024 6.8 Figure 8.4 HP 9000 Sieres 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 4 of 4) Ports Included On LAN-based Personality SPU Card or Included With SPU SPU Model ----------------------------------------- Model No. SCSI RS-232 Centronics LAN No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 807S Internal 8 0 0 807S only 817S 1 8 1 0 817S 827S 1 8 1 0 827S 837S 1 8 1 0 837S 847S 1 8 1 0 847S 857S 1 8 1 0 857S 867S 1 8 1 0 867S 877S 1 8 1 0 877S 887S 1 8 1 0 887S 897S 1 8 1 0 897S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 0 8+2 0 0 808S 815S 0 8+2 0 0 815S 822S 0 8 0 0 822S 832S 0 8 0 0 832S 842S 0 8 0 0 842S 852S 0 8 0 0 852S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 0 6 0 0 825S 835S/635S 0 6 0 0 835S/635S 840S 0 0 0 840S 845S/645S 0 6 0 0 845S/645S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 0 6 0 0 850S 855S 0 6 0 0 855S 860S 0 6 0 0 860S 865S 0 6 0 0 865S 870S/100 0 6 0 0 870S/100 870S/200 0 6 0 0 870S/200 870S/300 0 6 0 0 870S/300 870S/400 0 6 0 0 870S/400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Product numbers for F/G/H/I servers must be ordered with appropriate Structured Solution Product (SSP) part number: F-Class, P/N A2428A; G-Class, P/N A2429A; H-Class, P/N A2430A; I-Class, A2431A. Note: Relative OLTP performance is a general guideline since the factors influencing the performance of an application vary widely. End of Disassembled Table ======================================================================== [Figure Caption: Figure 8.5 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] Disassembled Table (Part 1 of 4) Max. Disk Storage --------------------------------------- Base SPU Base Max. Internal Internal Total FL Disk Model Memory Memory Disk SCSI SCSI HP-IB FL Array No. (MB) (MB) (MB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F10 16 384 566 2 42 2.7 n/a n/a F20 16 384 566 2 42 2.7 n/a n/a F30 16 384 566 2 42 2.7 n/a n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 32 512 566 6 70 5.4 21 86 G40 32 512 566 6 70 5.4 21 86 G50 32 512 566 6 70 5.4 21 86 G60 32 512 566 6 70 5.4 21 86 G70 32 512 566 6 70 5.4 21 86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H20 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 H30 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 H40 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 H50 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 H60 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 H70 64 768 1 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 64 768 2 x 2 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 I40 64 768 2 x 2 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 I50 64 768 2 x 2 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 I60 64 768 2 x 2 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 I70 64 768 2 x 2 GB 6 120 5.4 43 173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 890/1 128 2048 n/a n/a 168 326 330 1300 890/2 128 2048 n/a n/a 168 326 330 1300 890/3 128 2048 n/a n/a 168 326 330 1300 890/4 128 2048 n/a n/a 168 326 330 1300 Figure 8.5 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 2 of 4) Max. Max. Total Internal SPU Suppt'd Tape SPU Model Disk Capacity Model No. (GB) (GB) No. ----------------------------------------- F10 42 2-8DDS F10 F20 42 4-8DDS F20 F30 42 4-8DDS F30 ----------------------------------------- G30 100 4-8DDS G30 G40 100 4-8DDS G40 G50 100 4-8DDS G50 G60 100 4-8DDS G60 G70 100 4-8DDS G70 ----------------------------------------- H20 186 4-8DDS H20 H30 186 4-8DDS H30 H40 186 4-8DDS H40 H50 186 4-8DDS H50 H60 186 4-8DDS H60 H70 186 4-8DDS H70 ----------------------------------------- I30 228 4-8DDS I30 I40 228 4-8DDS I40 I50 228 4-8DDS I50 I60 228 4-8DDS I60 I70 228 4-8DDS I70 ----------------------------------------- 890/1 1300 n/a 890/1 890/2 1300 n/a 890/2 890/3 1300 n/a 890/3 890/4 1300 n/a 890/4 Figure 8.5 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 3 of 4) Max. Disk Storage --------------------------------------- Base SPU Base Max. Internal Internal Total FL Disk Model Memory Memory Disk SCSI SCSI HP-IB FL Array No. (MB) (MB) (MB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) (GB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 807S 16 128 328 1.36 42 2.7 n/a n/a 817S 16 192 328 1.36 42 2.7 n/a n/a 827S 16 384 328 4.08 70 5.4 21.4 129.6 837S 32 192 677 1.36 42 2.7 n/a n/a 847S 32 384 677 4.08 70 5.4 21.4 129.6 857S 64 384 677 4.08 70 5.4 42.8 172.8 867S 64 384 1380 4.08 70 5.4 32.1 129.6 877S 64 384 1360 4.08 70 5.4 42.8 172.8 887S 64 768 1360 4.08 70 5.4 32.1 129.6 897S 64 768 1360 4.08 70 5.4 42.8 172.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 8 32 152 n/a 8 8 n/a n/a 815S 8 56 335 n/a 8 8 n/a n/a 822S 8 128 335 n/a 10.6 8 21.4 82.3 832S 16 128 335 n/a 10.6 8 21.4 82.3 842S 28 256 670 n/a 21.2 8 42.8 168.7 852S 64 256 670 n/a 21.2 8 42.8 168.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 8 192 n/a n/a 10.6 8 21.4 82.3 835S/ 635S 8 192 n/a n/a 10.6 8 21.4 82.3 840S 8 96 n/a n/a n/a 8 n/a n/a 845S/ 645 32 192 n/a n/a 10.6 8 21.4 82.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 48 256 n/a n/a 21.2 8 42.8 168.7 855S 48 256 n/a n/a 21.2 8 42.8 168.7 860S 48 256 n/a n/a 21.2 8 42.8 168.7 865S 64 512 n/a n/a 21.2 8 85.8 341.5 870S/ 100 96 768 n/a n/a 21.2 8 85.8 341.5 870S/ 200 128 768 n/a n/a 21.2 8 128 514.3 870S/ 300 160 768 n/a n/a 21.2 8 128 514.3 870S/ 400 192 768 n/a n/a 21.2 8 128 514.3 Figure 8.5 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 4 of 4) Max. Max. Total Internal SPU Suppt'd Tape SPU Model Disk Capacity Model No. (GB) (GB) No. ----------------------------------------- 807S 42 4-8/DDS 807S 817S 42 4-8/DDS 817S 827S 151.6 4-8/DDS 827S 837S 42 4-8/DDS 837S 847S 151.6 4-8/DDS 847S 857S 178.8 4-8/DDS 857S 867S 151.6 4-8/DDS 867S 877S 178.8 4-8/DDS 877S 887S 151.6 4-8/DDS 887S 897S 178.8 4-8/DDS 897S ----------------------------------------- 808S 8 CTD 808S 815S 8 CTD 815S 822S 82.3 DDS 822S 832S 82.3 DDS 832S 842S 168.7 DDS 842S 852S 168.7 DDS 852S ----------------------------------------- 825S 82.3 n/a 825S 835S/ 635S 82.3 n/a 835S/635S 840S 6.9 n/a 840S 845S/ 645 82.3 n/a 845S/645 ----------------------------------------- 850S 168.7 n/a 850S 855S 168.7 n/a 855S 860S 168.7 n/a 860S 865S 341.5 n/a 865S 870S/ 100 341.5 n/a 870S/100 870S/ 200 514.3 n/a 870S/200 870S/ 300 514.3 n/a 870S/300 870S/ 400 514.3 n/a 870S/400 ----------------------------------------- *Please contact your sales center if customer requires more than 3,000 terminal connections. End of Disassembled Table ======================================================================== [Figure Caption: Figure 8.6 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] Disassembled Table (Part 1 of 4) Max. Max. SPU SCSI HP-IB Max. Max.*** Max. Max. Model Tape Tape Centronics Serial HP-IB HP-IB No. Drives Drives Printers Printers Printers Plotters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F10 8 4 3 20 n/a 4 F20 8 4 3 40 n/a 4 F30 8 4 3 40 n/a 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 8 8** 5 40 n/a 8** G40 8 8** 5 40 n/a 8** G50 8 8** 5 40 n/a 8** G60 8 8** 5 40 n/a 8** G70 8 8** 5 40 n/a 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H20 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** H30 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** H40 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** H50 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** H60 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** H70 8 8** 9 40 n/a 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** I40 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** I50 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** I60 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** I70 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 890/1 16 8** 20 250 n/a 8** 890/2 16 8** 20 250 n/a 8** 890/3 16 8** 20 250 n/a 8** 890/4 16 8** 20 250 n/a 8** Figure 8.6 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 2 of 4) Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd on next table) ----------------------------------------------------- Max. HP-PB FL SPU Max. SCSI**** (28615A)/ Max. Max. # of SPU Model Parallel Max. PBA-FL MUX User (via Model No. Centronics HP-IB (A1749A) Ports DTC & MUX) No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F10 2 1 0 80 1120 F10 F20 2 1 0 80 1120 F20 F30 2 1 0 80 1120 F30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 4 2 2/2 144 1120 G30 G40 4 2 2/2 144 1850 G40 G50 4 2 2/2 144 1850 G50 G60 4 2 2/2 144 2500 G60 G70 4 2 2/2 144 3500 G70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H20 8 2 4/2 272 1120 H20 H30 8 2 4/2 272 1120 H30 H40 8 2 4/2 272 1850 H40 H50 8 2 4/2 272 1850 H50 H60 8 2 4/2 272 2500 H60 H70 8 2 4/2 272 3500 H70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 12 2 4/2 400 1120 I30 I40 12 2 4/2 400 1850 I40 I50 12 2 4/2 400 1850 I50 I60 12 2 4/2 400 2500 I60 I70 12 2 4/2 400 3500 I70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 890/1 20 9 40 1024 4500 890/1 890/2 20 9 40 1024 4500 890/2 890/3 20 9 40 1024 4500 890/3 890/4 20 9 40 1024 4500 890/4 Figure 8.6 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 3 of 4) Max. Max. SPU SCSI HP-IB Max. Max.*** Max. Max. Model Tape Tape Centronics Serial HP-IB HP-IB No. Drives Drives Printers Printers Printers Plotters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 807S 8 4 3 20 n/a 8** 817S 8 4 3 40 n/a 8** 827S 8 8** 7 40 n/a 8** 837S 8 4 3 40 n/a 8** 847S 8 8** 7 40 n/a 8** 857S 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** 867S 8 8** 7 40 n/a 8** 877S 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** 887S 8 8** 7 50 n/a 8** 897S 8 8** 13 50 n/a 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 8* 12 3 8 n/a 8** 815S 8* 12 3 8 n/a 8** 822S 4 12 4 20 n/a 8** 832S 4 12 4 20 n/a 8** 842S 8* 12 6 20 n/a 8** 852S 8* 12 6 20 n/a 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 835S/635S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 840S n/a 8 n/a 20 8 8** 845S/645S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 855S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 860S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 865S 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 870S/100 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 870S/200 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 870S/300 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** 870S/400 8* 8 n/a 20 8 8** Figure 8.6 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 4 of 4) Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd on next table) ----------------------------------------------------- Max. HP-PB FL SPU Max. SCSI**** (28615A)/ Max. Max. # of SPU Model Parallel Max. PBA-FL MUX User (via Model No. Centronics HP-IB (A1749A) Ports DTC & MUX) No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 807S 2 1 0 40 336 807S 817S 2 1 0 48 528 817S 827S 6 2 2 112 528 827S 837S 2 1 0 48 624 837S 847S 6 2 2 112 624 847S 857S 12 2 2 208 624 857S 867S 6 2 2 112 896 867S 877S 12 2 2 208 896 877S 887S 6 2 3 12 1120 887S 897S 12 2 3 208 1120 897S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 1 3 0 16 16 808S 815S 3 3 0 48 96 815S 822S 6 3 2 48 96 822S 832S 6 3 2 80 160 832S 842S 6 3 4 80 400 842S 852S 6 3 4 80 400 852S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 5 6 2 198 230 825S 835S/635S 5 6 2 86 214 835S/ 635S 840S n/a 28 0 128 123 840S 845S/645S 5 6 2 70 196 845S/ 645S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 10 4 4 300 300 850S 855S 10 4 4 400 400 855S 860S 10 4 4 400 400 860S 865S 10 4 8 512 600 865S 870S/100 10 4 8 600 300 870S/100 870S/200 10 4 12 600 1200 870S/200 870S/300 10 4 12 600 1650 870S/300 870S/400 10 4 12 600 2000 870S/400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * with 2 SCSI interface cards ** with 2 HP-IB interface cards *** Contact the factory if support for more printers is required **** Not including personality card End of Disassembled Table ======================================================================== [Figure Caption: Figure 8.7 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] Disassembled Table (Part 1 of 4) Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd) ------------------------------------------------------------ SPU Max.**** Max. Max. 8- Max. 16- Max. 32- Model 802.3 802.5 Token Channel Channel Channel No. LAN Ring LAN MUX MUX MUX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F10 2 2 2 2 2 F20 2 2 2 2 2 F30 2 2 2 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G30 4 4 4 4 4 G40 4 4 4 4 4 G50 4 4 4 4 4 G60 4 4 4 4 4 G70 4 4 4 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H20 7 5 8 8 8 H30 7 5 8 8 8 H40 7 5 8 8 8 H50 7 5 8 8 8 H60 7 5 8 8 8 H70 7 5 8 8 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I30 7 5 12 12 12 I40 7 5 12 12 12 I50 7 5 12 12 12 I60 7 5 12 12 12 I70 7 5 12 12 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 890/1 10 5 64 64 64 890/2 10 5 64 64 64 890/3 10 5 64 64 64 890/4 10 5 64 64 64 Figure 8.7 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix Disassembled Table (Part 2 of 4) Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd) ------------------------------------------- SPU SPU Model Max. Max. Max. Model No. FDDI X.25 SNAplusLink No. --------------------------------------------------------- F10 1 2 2 F10 F20 1 2 2 F20 F30 1 2 2 F30 --------------------------------------------------------- G30 2 4 4 G30 G40 2 4 4 G40 G50 2 4 4 G50 G60 2 4 4 G60 G70 2 4 4 G70 --------------------------------------------------------- H20 2 8 8 H20 H30 2 8 8 H30 H40 2 8 8 H40 H50 2 8 8 H50 H60 2 8 8 H60 H70 2 8 8 H70 --------------------------------------------------------- I30 2 10 10 I30 I40 2 10 10 I40 I50 2 10 10 I50 I60 2 10 10 I60 I70 2 10 10 I70 --------------------------------------------------------- 890/1 3 12 12 890/1 890/2 3 12 12 890/2 890/3 3 12 12 890/3 890/4 3 12 12 890/4 Figure 8.7 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 3 of 4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These products are listed for reference only ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd) ------------------------------------------------------------ SPU Max.**** Max. Max. 8- Max. 16- Max. 32- Model 802.3 802.5 Token Channel Channel Channel No. LAN Ring LAN MUX MUX MUX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 807S 2 2 2 2 2 817S 2 2 2 2 2 827S 5 5 6 6 6 837S 2 2 2 2 2 847S 5 5 6 6 6 857S 7 5 12 12 12 867S 5 5 6 6 6 877S 7 5 12 12 12 887S 5 5 6 6 6 897S 5 5 12 12 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 5 0 n/a n/a n/a 815S 5 0 n/a n/a n/a 822S 5 0 4 n/a n/a 832S 5 0 8 n/a n/a 842S 5 0 8 n/a n/a 852S 5 0 8 n/a n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 5 0 n/a n/a 835S/635S 5 0 n/a n/a 840S 5 0 n/a n/a 845S/645S 5 0 n/a n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 5 0 n/a n/a 855S 5 0 n/a n/a 860S 5 0 n/a n/a 865S 5 0 n/a n/a 870S/100 5 0 n/a n/a 870S/200 5 0 n/a n/a 870S/300 5 0 n/a n/a 870S/400 5 0 n/a n/a Figure 8.7 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 4 of 4) Max. I/O and Networking Cards (cont'd) ------------------------------------------- SPU SPU Model Max. Max. Max. Model No. FDDI X.25 SNAplusLink No. --------------------------------------------------------- 807S 1 2 2 807S 817S 1 2 2 817S 827S 2 6 6 827S 837S 1 2 2 837S 847S 2 6 6 847S 857S 2 10 10 857S 867S 2 6 6 867S 877S 2 10 10 877S 887S 2 6 6 887S 897S 2 10 10 897S --------------------------------------------------------- 808S 0 2 2 808S 815S 0 4 4 815S 822S 0 4 4 822S 832S 0 4 4 832S 842S 0 5 5 842S 852S 0 7 7 852S --------------------------------------------------------- 825S 0 4 4 825S 835S/635S 0 4 4 835S/635S 840S 0 5 5 840S 845S/645S 0 3 3 845S/645S --------------------------------------------------------- 850S 0 7 7 850S 855S 0 7 7 855S 860S 0 7 7 860S 865S 0 7 7 865S 870S/100 0 7 7 870S/100 870S/200 0 7 7 870S/200 870S/300 0 7 7 870S/300 870S/400 0 7 7 870S/400 ======================================================================== **** Not including personality card End of Disassembled Table ======================================================================== [Figure Caption: Figure 8.8 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] Disassembled Table (Part 1 of 4) SPU Depth Width Height Weight Power Model in in in in Reqmnt. Number mm mm mm Kg Watts -------------------------------------------------------- F10 533 222 430 32 400 F20 533 222 430 32 400 F30 533 222 430 32 400 -------------------------------------------------------- G30 533 424 430 50 800 G40 533 424 430 50 800 G50 533 424 430 50 800 G60 533 424 430 50 800 G70 533 424 430 50 800 -------------------------------------------------------- H20 533 424 430 50 800 H30 533 424 430 50 800 H40 533 424 430 50 800 H50 533 424 430 50 800 H60 533 424 430 50 800 H70 533 424 430 50 800 -------------------------------------------------------- I30 533 424 430 50 800 I40 533 424 430 50 800 I50 533 424 430 50 800 I60 533 424 430 50 800 I70 533 424 430 50 800 -------------------------------------------------------- 890/1 905 750 1620 375 2434 890/2 905 750 1620 375 2434 890/3 905 750 1620 375 2434 890/4 905 750 1620 375 2434 Figure 8.8 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 2 of 4) SPU Heat Diss First First Site SPU Model BTUs CPL Ship Prep Model Number Per Hr. Date Date Included Number ------------------------------------------------------------- F10 1385 12/92 1/93 no F10 F20 1385 12/92 1/93 no F20 F30 1385 12/92 1/93 no F30 ------------------------------------------------------------- G30 2770 12/92 1/93 yes G30 G40 2770 12/92 1/93 yes G40 G50 2770 12/92 1/93 yes G50 G60 2770 7/93 9/93 yes G60 G70 2770 7/93 9/93 yes G70 ------------------------------------------------------------- H20 2770 12/92 1/93 yes H20 H30 2770 12/92 1/93 yes H30 H40 2770 12/92 1/93 yes H40 H50 2770 12/92 1/93 yes H50 H60 2770 7/93 9/93 yes H60 H70 2770 7/93 9/93 yes H70 ------------------------------------------------------------- I30 2770 12/92 1/93 yes I30 I40 2770 12/92 1/93 yes I40 I50 2770 12/92 1/93 yes I50 I60 2770 7/93 9/93 yes I60 I70 2770 7/93 9/93 yes I70 ------------------------------------------------------------- 890/1 8300 5/92 10/92 yes 890/1 890/2 8300 5/92 10/92 yes 890/2 890/3 8300 5/92 10/92 yes 890/3 890/4 8300 5/92 10/92 yes 890/4 Figure 8.8 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 3 of 4) SPU Depth Width Height Weight Power Model in in in in Reqmnt. Number mm mm mm Kg Watts ------------------------------------------------------------ 807S 533 222 430 32 400 817S 533 222 430 32 400 827S 533 444 430 50 800 837S 533 222 430 32 400 847S 533 444 430 50 800 857S 533 444 430 50 800 867S 533 444 430 50 800 877S 533 444 430 50 800 887S 533 444 430 50 800 897S 533 444 430 50 800 ------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 435 325 312 27 400 815S 401 325 312 20 400 822S 710 375 750 110 1000 832S 710 375 750 110 1000 842S 710 375 750 110 1000 852S 710 375 750 110 1000 ------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 500 325 234 23 600 835S/635S 500 325 234 23 600 840S 965 600 1000 160 1350 845S/645S 500 325 234 23 600 ------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 710 1300 1000 400 1783 855S 710 1300 1000 400 2056 860S 710 1300 1000 400 2056 865S 710 1300 1000 400 2569 870S/100 710 1300 1000 400 2569 870S/200 710 1300 1000 400 2569 870S/300 710 1300 1000 400 2569 870S/400 710 1300 1000 400 2569 Figure 8.8 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix (continued) Disassembled Table (Part 4 of 4) SPU Heat Diss First First Site SPU Model BTUs CPL Ship Prep Model Number Per Hr. Date Date Included Number ------------------------------------------------------------- 807S 1385 6/91 8/91 no 807S 817S 1385 6/91 8/91 no 817S 827S 2770 6/91 9/91 yes 827S 837S 1385 6/91 8/91 no 837S 847S 2770 6/91 9/91 yes 847S 857S 2770 6/91 9/91 yes 857S 867S 2770 12/91 12/91 yes 867S 877S 2770 12/91 12/91 yes 877S 887S 2770 6/92 10/92 yes 887S 897S 2770 6/92 10/92 yes 897S ------------------------------------------------------------ 808S 1364 11/89 11/89 yes 808S 815S 1364 7/89 11/89 yes 815S 822S 3410 5/90 5/90 yes 822S 832S 3410 1/90 4/90 yes 832S 842S 3410 12/90 1/91 yes 842S 852S 3410 12/90 1/91 yes 852S ------------------------------------------------------------ 825S 2000 5/87 8/87 yes 825S 835S/635S 2000 4/88 8/88 yes 835S/635S 840S 4600 5/86 11/86 yes 840S 845S/645S 2000 1/90 1/90 yes 845S/645S ------------------------------------------------------------ 850S 6086 5/87 12/87 yes 850S 855S 7016 8/88 3/89 yes 855S 860S 7016 10/90 10/90 yes 860S 865S 8768 12/90 4/91 yes 865S 870S/100 8768 1/90 9/90 yes 870S/100 870S/200 8768 1/90 6/91 yes 870S/200 870S/300 8768 12/91 12/91 yes 870S/300 870S/400 8768 12/91 12/91 yes 870S/400 End of Disassembled Table ============================================================= [Figure Caption: Figure 8.9 HP 9000 Series 800 Systems Matrix] SPU SPEC SPEC SPU Model SPEC SPEC rate rate Model No. int92 fp92 int92 fp92 No. -------------------------------------------------------- F10 22.0 36.7 523 876 F10 F20 33.6 56.1 816 1335 F20 F30 37.8 62.4 890 1483 F30 -------------------------------------------------------- G30 37.8 62.4 890 1483 G30 G40 50.5 81.6 1201 1949 G40 G50 78.2 141.6 1854 3374 G50 G60 82.0 171.8 1944 4074 G60 G70 n/a n/a 3757 7325 G70 -------------------------------------------------------- H20 33.6 56.1 816 1335 H20 H30 37.8 62.4 890 1483 H30 H40 50.5 81.6 1201 1949 H40 H50 78.3 141.6 1854 3374 H50 H60 82.0 171.8 1944 4074 H60 H70 n/a n/a 3757 7325 H70 -------------------------------------------------------- I30 37.8 62.4 890 1483 I30 I40 50.5 81.6 1201 1949 I40 I50 78.3 141.6 1854 3374 I50 I60 82.0 171.8 1944 4074 I60 I70 n/a n/a 3757 7325 I70 -------------------------------------------------------- 890/1 51.0 49.6 1215 1180 890/1 890/2 n/a n/a 2253 2360 890/2 890/3 n/a n/a 3306 3529 890/3 890/4 n/a n/a 4301 4685 890/4 -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- 807S 22.0 36.7 523 876 807S 817S 33.6 56.1 816 1335 817S 827S 33.6 56.1 816 1335 827S 837S 37.8 62.4 890 1483 837S 847S 37.8 62.4 890 1483 847S 857S 37.8 62.4 890 1483 857S 867S 50.5 81.6 1201 1949 867S 877S 50.5 81.6 1201 1949 877S 887S 78.3 141.6 1854 3374 887S 897S 78.3 141.6 1854 3374 897S -------------------------------------------------------- 808S n/a n/a n/a n/a 808S 815S n/a n/a n/a n/a 815S 822S n/a n/a n/a n/a 822S 832S n/a n/a n/a n/a 832S 842S n/a n/a n/a n/a 842S 852S n/a n/a n/a n/a 852S -------------------------------------------------------- 825S n/a n/a n/a n/a 825S 835S/635S n/a n/a n/a n/a 835S/635S 840S n/a n/a n/a n/a 840S 845S/645S n/a n/a n/a n/a 845S/645S -------------------------------------------------------- 850S n/a n/a n/a n/a 850S 855S n/a n/a n/a n/a 855S 860S n/a n/a n/a n/a 860S 865S n/a n/a n/a n/a 865S 870S/100 n/a n/a n/a n/a 870S/100 870S/200 n/a n/a n/a n/a 870S/200 870S/300 n/a n/a n/a n/a 870S/300 870S/400 n/a n/a n/a n/a 870S/400 -------------------------------------------------------- *Please contact your sales center if customer requires more than 3,000 terminal connections. ========================================================